It's time to TRUST you & your intuition ...

Your intuition is the voice of your soul... but many high-achieving spiritual women struggle to listen to it.

Here's 8 real-life reasons why you're not listening to it (+ 8 tips to regain your confidence in it & YOU!)

👋🏻 Hello, I’m Kimberley, the Founder of Soulcology™

If you've ever wondered 'there has to be more to life than this' , then it's time to remember & become who you really are...

Soulcology™ is the study of the Soul - your Soul. It contains classes, courses, coaching & community for women like you who are on the journey to live life from your Soul...

It was born from a deep desire to help high-achieving spiritual women, who've lived their life according to the 'rules', to learn to trust themselves again & answer these questions - Who am I really?, Why did these things in my life happen?, & What did I truly come here to do?

How do you learn the answers to these questions? You study your intuition, your life experiences & yourself. Your intuition is always the starting point - it's the voice of your Soul & will guide you to the divine intuitive nature of your life experiences & an understanding of who you are & what you came here to do. It's also the way to learning to trust yourself again & to getting into your Comfort Zone...

Ultimately, Soulcology™ supports you to break free from social conditioning & live a soular-powered™ life - a life guided by your intuition & trust in yourself...

Become a soular-powered™ woman... getting into your Comfort Zone & out of society's or someone else's.

Ever heard the phrase "Life begins at the end of your Comfort Zone" - like being in your Comfort Zone is a bad thing?

What if that's not the case?

What if you're really meant to be in your Comfort Zone - but right now, you're actually stuck in someone else's, living their version of your life...but it's not your version of your life?

What if the saying was "Life begins at the end of SOMEONE ELSE'S Comfort Zone" or "Life begins in your Comfort Zone"?

How would things change for you & inside of you?

If you're feeling burnt-out & exhausted from living the life you were raised to think you wanted (think high-achieving people-pleaser/perfectionist at school, high-flying corporate career etc.) & you've lost yourself then it's highly likely you're living in someone else's Comfort Zone - & it's time to get into yours.

Curious about what your Comfort Zone actually & how to get into it & stay in it?

Soul Class, COMING SOON.

The Soul Purpose Podcast - COMING SOON!

YOUR HOST - KIMBERLEY BANFIELD, founder of Soulcology™

On this podcast we talk about all things intuition, life experiences, soul purpose & living a ‘soular-powered™’ life.

Get ready to listen to deep conversations about life, love, leadership, decisions, doubt & doing it all anyway.

You’ll find a soulful mix of soul-o (emphasis on the soul part) episodes & interviews with inspiring guests who are keen to share their soul purpose journey’s with you!

In the meantime you can listen to some soulfully epic podcasts I've done with other beautiful souls below!


The Intuitive Woman Program™

Making Your Intuition Make Sense...

A 6-Month Self-Paced Program to Learn the Logical, Practical & Supernatural Languages of Your Intuition

Your soulful adventure awaits.

Are you ready for your next chapter?

"Now I feel peaceful, united, trusted, and supported. There is a confidence, safety, and comfort I didn't know before."

"Before starting the program I struggled the most with believing I was worthy of listening to my intuition in a very "who am I to know" way. I had spent over three decades trying to hush my truth. Through the program, above all, I learned connection. Beyond the emotional and spiritual connection I was guided into, I was equipped with practical ways to tune into and communicate with my intuition. And now I feel peaceful, united, trusted, and supported. There is a confidence, safety, and comfort I didn't know before. Instead of unworthy, I feel chosen. Working with Kimberley made me feel seen and safe in a way I have never experienced before. I don't think it has ever been easier to be open and authentic in such a new relationship--not feeling the need to hide any part of myself. She challenges, loves, takes no shit, nurtures, pushes, and encourages as sure as she breathes. To those considering joining the program I say you are worth it, and so is your intuition."

- Sherrey, Colorado, USA

Need answers from your Intuition but unsure of where to start?!

5 'Tune-In Tools' Guidebook & Videos

These simple to use 'Tune-In Tools™' soulfully support you to:

☼ build your connection to your intuition,

☼ get clarity from the messages &,

☼ gain confidence in what to do next!

Each Tune-In Tool™ contains step-by-step instructions on what you need, what to do & a video demonstration of how you can do it! There's also space for journalling to record your intuition's guidance.

For only $55 CAD, it's like a mini-course for re-connecting to your intuition!

These tools will help you to easily & effectively access guidance from your inner knowing every day while strengthening your trust in your intuition & in you!

Web design by Kimberley Banfield 2023